Can You Relocate, Convert, or Domesticate a Maine Corporation in Florida?

Can You Relocate, Convert, or Domesticate a Maine Corporation in Florida?

What is a Domestication, Conversion, or Transfer?

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Corporate transactions often come with legal and tax implications. Mistakes during the domestication process could pierce your corporate veil or discourage potential investors. Your corporation could even be liquidated or dissolved. It’s always worth the effort to find a qualified lawyer to assist you.
Pro Tip: Do you need a certificate of good standing from Maine? Some online resources claim that you need a certificate of good standing, but this document is not needed to domesticate a Maine corporation to Florida. The company must, however, be in good standing with the State of Maine.

Can Maine C or S Corporations Move to Another State?

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§921. Domestication

Foreign business corporation may become domestic business corporation. A foreign business corporation may become a domestic business corporation only if the domestication is permitted by the organic law of the foreign corporation. The laws of this State govern the effect of domesticating in this State pursuant to this subchapter.

[PL 2001, c. 640, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 2001, c. 640, Pt. B, §7 (AFF).]

Domestic business corporation may become foreign business corporation. A domestic business corporation may become a foreign business corporation only if the domestication is permitted by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction. Regardless of whether the laws of the foreign jurisdiction require the adoption of a plan of domestication, the domestication must be approved by the adoption by the domestic business corporation of a plan of domestication in the manner provided in this subchapter. The laws of the foreign jurisdiction govern the effect of domesticating in that jurisdiction.

[PL 2001, c. 640, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 2001, c. 640, Pt. B, §7 (AFF).]

Maine Revised Statutes §921.

Will This Dissolve My Maine C or S Corporation?

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Do I Need To Get a New EIN if I Domesticate My Company to Florida?

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How Can FL Patel Law PLLC Help Domesticate a Maine Corporation to Florida?

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Every process has a plan, and every plan has a process to follow. Every state has its own different steps to follow and requirements to satisfy when domesticating a C or S corporation. What follows is only a general overview and does not account for the specifics of each state.

How Long Will It Take for FL Patel Law PLLC to Domesticate a Maine C or S Corporation?

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How Much Does it Cost to Domesticate a Maine Corporation to Florida?

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What Are Some of the Dangers of Domesticating a C or S Corporation Without an Attorney’s Assistance?

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Make Your Maine C or S Corporation’s Domestication More Convenient and Secure with FL Patel Law PLLC

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What Are the Benefits of Domesticating a Maine C or S Corporation to Florida?

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What Tax Implications Can I Expect if I Domesticate a Maine Corporation to Florida?

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Should I Hire FL Patel Law PLLC to Domesticate My Maine C or S Corporation?

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FL Patel Law PLLC is a boutique business law firm dedicated to entrepreneurs and companies.

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